# strongbad_email > strong bad underscore email dot exe. > > enter. > > _- Strong Bad, [sbemail #68: caper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBUP2jAPExU)_ A CLI app that prints a random [Strong Bad Email](https://homestarrunner.com/sbemails), written in Rust. ## Install You will need rustc/cargo installed. Then, install the package from Codeberg: ``` cargo install strongbad_email --git https://codeberg.org/takouhai/strongbad_email.git ``` then just run ``` strongbad_email ``` and you should be good to go. ## License All of the text from the Strong Bad Emails are from the [Homestar Runner Wiki](http://www.hrwiki.org). All of the Strong Bad Emails are from [Homestar Runner](https://homestarrunner.com), All Rights Reserved. This program is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE).